$ / $ raised Myanmar

Home of Hope in Namsalup, northern Myanmar – Supporting Children from Drug Addicted Families

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      Go and Love is partnering with the Home of Hope in Namsalup, northern Myanmar, to support orphans and children whose parents have fallen into drug addiction.
      Currently, there are more than 800 households, including Burmese, Chinese, Kachin, Lisu, and Dai ethnic groups in the area. In the Lisu ethnic group, 60% traditional Christians are bound by drugs and have gradually turned away from God.
      Each household has around 4 to 5 children, and some even have 6 to 7 children. Many of the fathers use drugs, and as a result are unable to fulfill their family’s responsibilities or are imprisoned for drug abuse. In addition, parents of some children both passed away, leaving them behind as orphans without nurturing parents. Some of the children are forced to go out to work at ages 12 or 13 and do not have the opportunity to study.
      Seeing this great need, a local minister and several co-workers were moved to establish the Home of Hope on May 27, 2018, in northern Myanmar. Initially, they borrowed a vacant space and built a simple place made from bamboo as the Home of Hope for the children to stay. Only 12 children could be accommodated at the time. Thanks to God, in 2019, through the love of a group of believers, a more stable house was built for the children as they were brought up lovingly. In addition to having the opportunity to study Burmese and English at the Burmese school, the children also have the opportunity to learn Chinese in the afternoon. In the evening, the local pastor leads the children to review their homework, read the Bible, and pray. Praise God that these children not only get to grow in knowledge but also grow spiritually, so that one day they will become vessels of the Lord. Currently, there are already 40 children in the Home of Hope.
      In April 2020, the Home of Hope submitted a registration application to the Myanmar government. One of the registration criteria was a minimum of 50 children. On February 18, 2021, amazingly, a sudden notification was received, saying that the registration application had been approved. The criteria requiring a minimum number of children criteria can be gradually met after the pandemic is over.
      According to the government criteria, the Home of Hope will need to accommodate at least 10 more children. The existing dormitory will not have sufficient space to house all the children. The plan is to expand a building on the current vegetation plot. We will continue to put our faith in God and trust in His provision.
     The cost of living, education, and miscellaneous expenses for each child is $70 a month.

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