Prayer Items

  • golove_staff
  • January 28, 2025

Be Wise!

At the beginning of 2025, I believe that many brothers and sisters have made New Year’s resolutions, and I hope that your New Year’s plan will include daily Bible reading and prayer, as well as seizing every opportunity to evangelize. Paul’s exhortation to the church in Ephesus can serve as our best New Year’s resolution: “Be careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is” (Ephesians 5:15-17). In the new year, by God’s grace, let us act cautiously every day, cherish our time, understand God’s will for us, and strive to be faithful, good, and knowledgeable servants of God!


  1. At the end of last year, Brother Honwei Moy and his wife, a new co-worker, went to the East Coast to attend a Chinese Mission Conference sponsored by Ambassador for Christ. During the meeting, many brothers and sisters who were interested in the ministry stopped by the booth to learn more about the ministry of the Go and Love Foundation, and some expressed interest in participating in this year’s short-term mission trips.
  1. “For the gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” Many young people who are addicted to drugs have come to the New Life Drug Rehabilitation Center in northern Myanmar to break free from their addiction and become new creations through Bible reading and prayer. Volunteers from the Go and Love Foundation participate in Bible teachings every other week. We thank God for the 10 brothers who are receiving theological training.
  2. The first group of children who entered the “Home of Hope” in Namsalup, Myanmar, could not read a single Chinese word seven years ago. Today, they can write, speak, and have learned many life principles from the Bible. We thank God that these children are growing up in an environment filled with the Lord’s love.
  1. A Burmese student shared her testimony. She is Chinese grew up in Myanmar and once had many questions about God. Through the International Student Fellowship, she learned that Jesus is the only true God, and accepted Christ. Even though her mother did not want her to become a Christian, God gave her the strength to stand up for her faith.


1. The GOAL Ministry
  1. Arrangements for summer short-term mission trips:
  • Laos 8/15-26 (Chinese Camp & English Camp)
  • Indonesia 8/27-9/15 (Personal Evangelism, Children’s Work)
  1. Local Burmese Conversion Ministry: Due to the Myanmar War, many Burmese students have come to the United States on temporary student visas. With President Trump re-inaugurated as President of the United States, there is vocal uneasiness in the minds of students—will the new immigration policy affect their temporary visas? Please remember them in prayer.
  2. Continue to pray for the conversion of local Burmese people. Ask God to raise more churches and brothers and sisters to participate, and to guide the cooperation between the Go and Love Foundation and other mission agencies to spread the gospel to everyone.
2. Myanmar Ministry
  • Please continue to pray for Myanmar, that the war may end soon, people’s lives can return to normal, and gospel work may continue.


The donation receipts for 2024 were sent to all donors via mail or email on January 16. If you have not yet received your donation receipt, please contact Sister Lian by emailing or calling (650)-393-4095.

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