Devotion: Do Not Withhold Doing Good

  •  golove_staff
  •  February 22, 2017
  •  Other

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.” Proverbs 3:27

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnʼt do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17

I was very moved when reading the two verses above. The verse in Proverbs 3:26 seems to point out that if you have chance to offer help to people, you should do it immediately without delaying. James 4:17 in the New Testament even says that it’s sinful if we are not willing to do what we should do.

One day when I was working hard writing articles for “Touching Lives”, a very capable young woman came to see me. I could have continued my work and have her wait until I finished my articles, but I felt she was not in a good mood.  I then decided to put aside my work and spent time talking with her one on one. She told me she had depression and tried antidepressants prescribed by the doctor before. But she was dazzled due the side effects of the medicine so that she could not work. I listened patiently and analyzed the reason why she was depressed. When I got to the root of the problems, she burst into tears and said, “Yes, yes”. Actually I did not do anything that day. I just said some encouraging words. She felt the love of Christ so that she could find her value and be comforted in Christ.

I remember it was eight years ago, when a project in China was damaged, I was very frustrated and felt helpless. I was hoping that someone can pray with me. It was hard to describe the loneliness I experienced. Thanks to the Lord, I stood up bravely by relying on his words. Today there are so many people around us who are deeply in need for caring, encouragement, listening, praying and comfort. But sometime we seem not sensitive to their needs because our focuses are ourselves and our own needs.

The second verse the Proverb 3:27. Who is the “whom it is due”? It is the one who in needs. Maybe it is financial, or it is psychological or spiritual. When we use the Lord’s power to do good, we will have the power to do it. “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25).
May our Lord help us by giving us a sensitive spirit and merciful heart to grasp the chance of doing good!

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